Summary: Technically, this is another wishmour i.e. my personal wish.  I have put this idea to official forum, and to my surprise I received a reply from the official developer team member.  No guarantee  but at least they are looking at it and if enough people shows interest this may actually be implemented in the future expansion.

I am certain that we will see more card types in the future but one idea came across my mind is this.

What’s buildings/sublocations?

You are the fortress.  We have a location card.  With these, why can’t we build a city/town or empire around your fortress.

How to implement?

Conceptually, this is like building a castle/town.  So I think following restrictions/rules be nice to reflect this.

1. You need a location card of the faction to be able to use these card.
2. With digital animation, any time we use these we should see background change i.e. casting a building card should add the building to the background.  Casting an area/sublocation to the attack zone should change attack zone background.
3. These can be treated as location cards i.e. will be placed on the support zone until they get destroyed.


Blazing Battlefield
Faction: Flame Dawn
Location – Sublocation
– All characters in the selected zone becomes ablated, add 1 to their attack.

Comment: Concept here is flame dawn attackers burn their life with return of more attacking power.  Since this is flame dawn sublocation card, you can only cast this when flame dawn location is on the target player’s field.  Attack zone will get extra blazing background.

Center of Magnetic Resonance
Faction: Genesis Industries
Location – Building
– Newly deployed constructs gain +2/+1

Comment: Concept here is newly built research center boost all artifact that are built from there on.

Misty Forest
Faction: Warpath
Location – sublocation
– Characters in the selected zone gain first strike.

Comment: Conept here is animals/creatures in hides in jungle and make a sudden attack before the opponent can counter. First strike means your character attacks first before damaged by opponent i.e. if your character kills the target, then it won’t get any damage.

Mountain of Morale
Faction: Dscedants of Dragons
Location – sublocation
– You gain a morale whenever a character you control dies in combat.

House of Defence
Faction None
Location – Building
– Characters in the selected commander zone gain untouchable.

Comment: This is non-faction so, presence of any location will allow the palyer to use this card.

Now below is the reply I received from the Lightmare staff.

Very interesting concept. What does everyone else think about these?

Unfortunately, at this point only two people replied back and so not overwhelmingly positive response.  So based on this, my guess is this may not be brought up to the design team meeting but hey at least they do look at what we write.
